There are two types of meningitis, viral and bacterial. And one of the rare form of bacterial meningitis is meningococcal septicaemia. It`s a life threatening condition which needs urgent treatment because the results can be devastating. One in seven survivors is left with a disability such as deafness, and for one in 10 cases the disease is fatal. Early detection could make all the difference and reduce the death rate by 50 percent.
Viral meningitis is much more common and can often go unreported, as the symptoms can be similar to flu. It is not usually life-threatening, but any suspected meningitis cases should be taken extremely seriously and it can take over six months to make a full recovery. If you develop three or more of the following symptoms, see your GP immediately.
* lack of energy or general flu-like symptoms
* high temperature
* severe headaches
* sensitivity to lights
* vomiting
* Irritability
* drowsiness
* joint pains
* neck stiffness
In cases if septicaemia, there may also be diarrhea, stomach pains and a sore throat. With meningococcal septicaemia, a rash can appear anywhere on the body, although this doesn`t always occur. This rash looks like tiny pinpricks of blood-like bruising under the skin. If the rush doesn`t turn whitish when you press a glass across it, seek medical advice immediately.
gosh.. that is scary. ive heard a lot about septicimia , my friends father died from it. nice post