Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Drink-right plan

Yes you can party all night without losing your get up and go! All you need to do is follow these eight simple steps...

Take it slow
Does knowing what alcohol does to your body make that killer hangover any better? Probably not. But it`s worth knowing this: alcohol is a mild anaesthetic, once it arrives to your stomach, it`s picked up by the bloodstream, which carries it straight to the brain. The first sensation upon its arrival are a feeling of lightheadedness and euphoria-that delicious belief that you`re really witty. At this stage, you probably are. so stay there: the average person can metabolise around one drink per hour(this is the pace of the body can break down and cope with alcohol) and if this intake is not greatly exceeded, the euphoria continues. However, if you have more than one drink per hour, the brain is more severely affected: motor faculties are disrupted(that charming lurch), speech becomes slurred, muscle control is lessened, and you begin to look foolish.
The aim is to drink just enough to feel mildly euphoric, with slightly relaxed inhibitions and a cheery outlook. but that euphoria can dispel your good intentions, so exercise willpower.

Say no to sweet drinks
This is the classic mistake of the novice drinker. All those trendy alcopops can mask the high alcohol content and make you drunk quicker. an overdose of sugar also enhances the negative effects of alcohol, so you`re more sick the next day.

Drink quality brands only
The extra cash you spend on a premium cocktail is worth it. The additives in cheaper brands are full of toxins and can trigger asthma, migraines and nausea. So steer clear of the mystery punch.

Say yes to champers
Good champagne is fine, unless you switch to something else after a few glasses. If you move onto another drink, have white wine and nothing else.

Think light
The yeast, sugar, flavourings and colourings in alcohol are the main contributors to furry tongue syndrome. That`s why you should drink forms of alcohol closest to the purse version-those that are lighter in colour. Choose white wine instead of red, vodka instead of whisky, lager over cider.

Say no to smoke

Don`t smoke-you`ll drink more...or is it the other way around? Either way, forget the fags: your breath will stink and, as your body will be busy eliminating alcohol, don`t overtax it with nicotine too.

"Coming up for coffee"

If you invite him in for the proverbial cup of coffee, don`t waste time actually making it, start kissing instead-coffee is a stimulant and, like alcohol, will disrupt your sleep.

Always keep a bottle of water by your bed no matter how hot the action is, you will stay cool and fresh.

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